Religious Liberty is Only About Gay People

I read a call to arms on behalf of "religious liberty" and I could not find any reference to "liberty" except anti-gay prejudice. The entire political thing about "religious liberty" sounds exactly like what was called "state's rights" back during the period of racial segregation.

Back during racial segregation is was common for anti black people to say something like, "Well, we're not against black people. What we're all about is state's rights. And, some states want to continue requiring separate schools, swimming pools and water fountains for the other race because it may result in interracial marriage. That is prohibited in the Bible."

In the link, the author challenges Christians to take a stand against men in drag reading to children in public libraries. Men in drag reading stories to children is, according to the author, a violation of religious liberties.

Now, what "liberties" do the men in drag violate? I suppose it is Deuteronomy 22:5 and other places in the Bible where it says if men dress like women or women as men it is an abomination. If that is the "rule", religious liberty people should be shaming the young mothers who bring their children to story hour. Wait, they should shame the women to come to church.

The pants call "jeans" or "blue jeans" date back to at least the early 1800's. They were designed exclusively for men, especially men doing manual labor. Once a couple of years ago I entertained myself waiting for church to start by counting the number of women entering the sanctuary wearing jeans. It was over 20 before I lost interest in that project. No doubt there were many at drag story hours across the country. Why is this not also an abomination, an affront to religious liberty?

Religious liberty is an effort to the politics of religion to control people disliked by some of those in the faith. To call it anything else in nonsense.


  1. This has to be one of your more inane articles. Could there possibly something other than abortion or homosexuality upon which to grind your axe?

    What AG Bill Barr did today was remarkable and will probably get the backing of the ACLU?! When was the last time a Republican-appointed AG was supported by the ACLU?

    Bill Barr warned all sorts of local governments about cracking down and singling out religious organizations for COVID-related gatherings. In other words, if you're not cracking down organization X for their gathering, you better not single out church Y.

    Read about it here -

    Not a word about abortion or homosexuality, but then, some of us are not obsessed with sex.

    1. Matt "Could there be something other than abortion or homosexuality..?"

      I write about these issues because they are the obsession of the Catholic hierarchy. Do you recall it was one of the themes of Pope Benedict's Christmas message. It is central to their fund raising and political focus.

  2. Censoring comments is your new obsession.


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