Did You Know Coronavirus Came From a Demon in Egypt

The religious web pages are these days as entertaining as the comic pages in our newspapers. One an evangelist goes into detail explaining why the virus is identical to when the Jews were captives in Egypt.

This is a little hard to swallow because except for the Bible, there is no mention or archaeological evidence the Jews were ever captives in Egypt. Some scholars attribute the story as an effort to make up a heroic history for the Jews.

It makes me wonder sometimes if there is a secret meeting somewhere when there is a crisis like this virus or 9/11 attended by all the TV preachers. All the crazy reasons with religious overtones for why the crisis might have happened are put into a hat and each preacher draws one and is obligated to use it but not steal from the reason other preachers shout. Maybe there are several kinds of sin so many can use one on those. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson agreed 9/11 was caused by homosexual people.

Or, maybe there is an auction and the highest bidder gets to use the explanation that brings in the biggest collection plate.

Along with the blame game is the standard preacher message that God did not cause it but helps people through it.

I've always wondered which gives people the most anxiety, hearing a religious reason why something bad happened which is wrong or hearing no one but random events caused something with no religious explanation. Perhaps people who hear Satan caused something or their sinful behavior caused it might bring on more anxiety than hearing it was just bad luck. I don't know.

At least preachers providing bizarre reasons for why something bad happened entertain us until we can move on.


  1. Jon,
    So evangel Candy Smithyman gets a 4 AM bedroom visit from a strong demonic force. It was an ancient, arrogant, Egyptian devil virus wearing a crown. Hallelujah! We can help she says. God always needs “cooperation” to behead them damn demons. This spiritual emergency requires a heap of “repentance and unity”. Her call for “repentance and unity” is code for y’all reach deep into y’all’s wallets, pass the tray to the pulpit, Candy’s “Glory Road” needs a top coat. As if a deep economic downturn isn’t enough these Christian charlatans have to ring out every last penny from their parishioners in the name of God. Are there any genuine Christian clergy in legitimate church organizations that can muster the conviction and courage to stifle the kind of BS coming from the grifters in their midst? Perhaps the whole Christian “enterprise” is on the take. Hmmm?

    1. Ardy; re. "Are there any genuine Christian clergy in legitimate church organizations that can muster the conviction and courage to stifle the kind of BS coming from the grifters in their midst".
      1. First of all they are strongly separate, and pretty much strongly disrespected by the rest, and when approached in a friendly manner, will not listen. Would the ACLU would have something to say to silence their free speech?
      2. Second, I suppose we could round them all up, take them out into the middle of a field, and shoot them. Perhaps in the night to the light of a burning cross. Would that satisfy you? Hmmmmm?

    2. In addition, it would be equally your responsibility to "deprogram" them into atheism. Have you ?
      To approach them, and there are many like them, you need to know exactly what they believe, and how they present. Almost all of them have some form of commonality, such as prosperity, end of times, anything sensational, such as , stage performance in presentation, mostly single issue subjects, and solicit donations. Then you need to find who they associate with. Literally all of them are non-creedal, and non-liturgical. A solid statement of faith is hard to nail down, and are hard to nail down when approached. There. You have something to start with. Ever try to approach or convert a Jehovah's Witness on their own door step? I have. I have also when the opportunity presents itself talked to those in the topic, to consider their inconsistencies, to no success. An angry approach is never good. Also, most of what you see is on TV, and access to them is almost impossible. Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, and most Southern states seem to be their hot spots. Go for it.

    3. little helper April 23 @ 7:51 & 8:57 AM

      I don’t know how you went from “will not listen” to “shoot them” for my sake. I have zero interest in murdering evangels or their parishioners. Your point about free speech is well taken.

      I could support some species of RICO laws for religious organizations that compare in spirit to the federal RICO statutes. JW and Scientology might make the short list. Barring that dropping, tax exempt status would be a shot across the bow. I may be wrong but religion in the US is likely wrapped in a religious freedom cocoon making even bad practitioners untouchable. Thank you for the 8:57 AM reply.

      If I may, “A TREE AND ITS FRUIT”
      Matthew 7:15-20
      “15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them l by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them l by their fruits.”

      Whew! I didn’t get struck down. Yet.

    4. Ardy B "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire."

      And, the tree must come through when Jesus is hungry. In Mark 11:14 Jesus cursed a fig tree that did not have figs because it was not the fig season. Jesus killed it.

      I think the fig tree story is a lesson for Christians supporting Trump. The fig tree had the ability to produce figs but was fickle and produced figs only in season. Christians are given brains but some refuse to use those brains in the 2020 election. I'm thinking Jesus will take revenge just as he did with the fig tree.

    5. Ardy @ 12;11 You will note "will not listen" and "shoot them" are two different paragraphs. Just giving you options to satisfy your question. Conversion is another option that as I indicated is not very successful.
      Don't forget how to tell a false prophet. (their prophesies don't come true), and how to deal with them.

    6. Jon Apr 23, 2020 at 12:34 PM “Jesus cursed a fig tree that did not have figs because it was not the fig season. Jesus killed it.“

      Thanks Jon. Give me figs out of season or you’re dead. Kill the teller because his cash drawer is empty. Dear Rabbi Yeshua is so human, all to human. This New Testament stuff is engaging. Interpreting scripture metaphorically is sweet-meat for the skeptical mind. Just my very limited exposure tells me the faith imploded centuries ago and we’re down wind from the corpse. It will not be re-animated by a pandemic or Paula White. Trump’s disingenuous “grooming” of evangelicals for political advantage has pulled back the curtain or better, rolled back the stone, on some bizarre creatures feasting on the Body of Christ. The artiste of that deal is a pachyderm with a twitter account.

  2. Ardy B "...charlatan have to ring out every last penny from their parishioners in the name of God."

    This story is a good example of the slippery slope. Other believers can say they believe someone walked on water, came to life from being dead and one fertilized cell is a human being but, "I don't believe the crazy stuff like that." Going from believing one set of crazy stuff to the next is not a big leap.

    1. good advice. I think that you should apply to yourself. As in physician heal thyself.

    2. jon 702. oh my: talk about slippery slopes. remember when pro-life people were ridiculed for talking about slippery slopes, suggesting that that the logic of roe v. wade might just encourage/justify more radical anti-life practices. now Jon uses the same language in his frenzied attempt to ridicule Christians. it's good to know that one can always count on Jon for crazy ideas.

    3. Unknown -- "...remember when pro-life people were ridiculed for talking about roe..might just encourage/justify more radical anti-life practices."

      Pro-life people are still ridiculed for anti-life ideas, their own. Early this morning an old friend from Fargo called. He is in his 50's and very active in a liberal Lutheran church. I always admire the accuracy of his bull $hit antenna. He was laughing when I answered, talking about some pro life people he knows who are doing the 40 day/nights thingy but are adamant about opening up the economy because the death rate is just part of doing business.

  3. Unknown "I think you should apply that to yourself. As in physician heal thyself."

    Great suggestion. I know I have the same problem as Christians. I read about a great flood which covered the mountains and learn there is not enough water in the atmosphere to do that. This doubt leads me to other doubts. I'm feeling the pull of not believing skeletons pushed up their graves and walked into town, and, that a corpse that rotted for three days came to life and talked to people. Even walking on water is slipping away. This one that a spec so small one can only see with a powerful microscope is the same kind of human being as you or I is giving me doubts.

    Yes, the slippery slope is there.


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