Christians Who Want to Die from Coronavirus

It is astounding to read about loud Christians who want to hold church and get sick rather than abide by well established protocols for containing the disease. It is similar to Christians who believe God will protect them when they handle poisonous snakes. At least the snakes are fed before church to make them less aggressive.

So often it is said, "The church does so much good." This good is offset by crazy thinking and harmful ideas. There are anti gay and anti women ideas. In this case crazy behavior that is unsafe offsets good behavior to run hospitals.

I was a member of First Presbyterian in Fargo for 40 years. Decades ago a practice in such churches became popular, distributing candles to everyone and lighting up the sanctuary with the many candles. The Fargo Fire Department let it be known this was a violation of the fire code and much discussion followed. "This is a violation of our religious liberties. Church and State are to be separate," some church leaders claimed.

Spreading diseases beyond the church or spreading fire to nearby building was the source of the old saying, "Your rights (to do whatever you want) end where my nose begins." Some religious people do not respect the rights of others.

We now know many churches held services after being warned not to and several church members have had the disease and some have died. Even preachers have died.

Every year of so a snake handling preacher gets bitten and dies. Yet, the practice continues. The deaths traced back to church services will not stop some preachers from dangerous behavior.

Religion opens the door to dangerous behavior. 


  1. I believe a minister who wouldn't cease and desist his Governor's order to self quarantine died of COVID 19 today.....

  2. Jon “Some religious people do not respect the rights of others.”

    From a news article:
    ”Ohio churchgoers claim coronavirus immunity”
    “Aren’t you concerned you can infect other people if you get sick inside?”
    “No, I’m covered in Jesus’ blood. I’m covered in Jesus’ blood.”

    Some politicians don’t respect the rights of others either. I wonder how many older readers of this blog would gladly “sacrifice” their lives (again) for the economy? Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick (R) is all in. How about rallying around the call of Indiana congressman Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R) to prematurely open the economy because its worth the risk of a second wave of virus deaths.

    As for me, I like being an “Old Coot” damn it, besides I’m home schooling my eight year old grandson, several hours by car away from his home, because his parents live and are working in a virus hot spot. So Jesus freaks can stay the hell home and kneel in place and mindless party politicians can piss off.

    1. Ardy; If you want to enter the twilight zone, fire up your short wave radio, and listen to some of the real bizarro stuff coming out of the "hollers" in the deep south. Best after 1;am. Low watt transmitters on an oilcloth kitchen table dripping with yesterday's gravy.They can make snake dancers sound normal. "A swallar of strichnine won' kill yer if yer in the Lord. It's a test of faith. "The women folk" need to be kept in their place, 'cause the good book says so". "What's a woman? A help meat." (spelling intended). "We need to protek em" to the tune of dueling banjars played on a swinette. And the world is ending next week.
      I kid you not! !

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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