When the Chickens Come Home to Roost
Religious conservatives have always see the world through their own eyes but lacked the ability to see it through the eyes of others. When they wave the flag of "religious liberty" they have been unable to see it will inevitably come back to bite them sometime in the future.
Men dressed in drag reading stories to children in public libraries is one example. With no evidence of harm done to children complaints of Christians are merely opinions. Ultimately it will come down to whose religious liberties are more important, those of Christians or those of non Christians.
A recent interesting case was about four liberal Christians who took food and water into the desert to save lives of illegal immigrants coming north to the U.S. border. Trump's U. S. border staff tried to make the practice illegal. The liberal Christians sited their "religious freedom." Included in their argument was the appeal of Hobby Lobby to be excused from providing birth control medicine in their employee health plan. The liberal Christians used right wing Christian arguments to win their appeal.
Anything liberals do, like dressing in drag and reading stories to children in public libraries, can be assigned religious values. No doubt some will sniff, "They are just pretending to be religious. They are not really religious like we are." Good luck making the case your imaginary god is real and their's is not.
I live in a condominium building and learned of a building somewhere in the U.S. where condo owners were suing their elected Board of Directors. A group wanted to have Bible study in the condo's community room. The Board said the condos bylaws stated the room could not be used for religious purposes. The Bible people sued and won. When eventually the room is used to "study" Satanism the Christian group no doubt sue to stop it.
I predict that in a few years religious leaders will realize "religious liberty" is a flawed concept and will move on to some other of their continuous grievances.
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