Opposition to Gay Rights is Futile

The churches which retain prohibitions against gay preachers or even parishioners need to do some serious evaluation of where their gay opposition stands today.

Years ago I was active in the national work of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). I was on its Board of Directors and we had many meetings discussing where the organization should go and how it would survive in a changing society. I recall how amazed we all were when a corporation signed on as a sponsor. How could it afford giving this money to us and what will happen to its customer base, we wondered.

How things have changed. We now have a gay Presidential candidate. And, in a recent publication I received from PFLAG I counted 80 corporate sponsors. These sponsors do not expect to lose business by doing this and probably expect it is good for business. They want to be known as a gay-friendly corporations.

The Bible was used to protect slavery and later segregation. It was used to keep businesses closed on Sunday and to stop sales of alcohol. In my childhood community it was used to prevent ballroom dancing, card playing and movies. In all these cases those using the Bible for cover were unsuccessful.

Now, the Bible is being used to prevent the two "sins" which happen to be popular right now, gay marriage and abortion. After a string of losses will using the Bible finally be successful?

One thing we can be certain of is opposition to Bible taboos will use the Bible as well. There are those who have already used the Bible to claim it approves, or does not disapprove, of abortion and gays who want to marry.

The odds are opposition to gay rights will be unsuccessful and as will opposition to abortion.


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