The Field of Philosophy and Feminism

Some readers have advised me the arguments traditionally part of the field of philosophy are so powerful they defeat modern thinking on topics such as homosexuality and abortion. Such arguments leave out a broad field within philosophy originally called "Feminists Philosophy."

I think anyone would be hard pressed to find a university level Department of Philosophy, Humanities or Sociology that does no use literature and ideas from the fields of philosophy that focus on feminism (more often called gender) and race. I poked around the website of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, Catholic in origin as we all know, and found many publications and courses delving into various criticisms of traditional religious teaching of gender. One I happened on presented the argument that "God" cannot accurately be referred to as male.

I can understand why demands have been made and decisions rendered that Catholic universities bend to the will of the local Bishops. One can see the obvious, Catholic universities ignore the local Bishops. Universities have their own source of funds and use the church name but must, to retain their accreditation and integrity ignore church teaching.

While I'm not well versed in the philosophy of the feminist movement, I have off and on over the last few decades read some of its material. I've learned what we might call orthodox philosophy was written centuries ago and was influenced by the social norms of that time. This put men in superior status compared to women. Feminists philosophy challenges this on the basis of ethics. The argument that women merit only a lessor status than men does not cross the bar of ethical standards.

Out of this argument over ethics comes support for rights of women including reproduction rights like abortion.


  1. re. "reproduction rights"--------Indeed, everyone should have that right to reproduce.

  2. The notion that Catholic universities would lose their accreditation if they didn't reject Catholic Church teaching is nonsense. Please name a few examples of how a Catholic university of which you know this to be true.

    I've been on a few college campuses in my lifetime. At Stanford, Memorial Church is a large cornerstone of the campus. Many denominations share the Church on a weekly, if not daily basis. At the US Naval Academy, the Naval Academy Chapel is a center point of the Yard, where, again, multiple denominations share the Church.

    Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals rightly exercise their duties, within the diocese or archdiocese when they discipline so-called "Catholic" institutions. Here is one example -

    Bishops can exercise their authority over every priest, brother, sister or other religious in the confines of their (arch)diocese. That includes religious Orders.

    1. Matt "Bishops can exercise their authority over every....." Have you ever been involved in the accreditation of a large institution?

    2. Matt--"..when they discipline so-called 'Catholic' institutions."

      The University of Notre Dame says it "is a private research university inspired by it's Catholic character to be a power force for good in the world." Maybe this sentence takes it out from under the supervision of the local Bishop. Either way it is kind of humorous. Tuition is just under $50,000 per year. I would guess Catholic parents do not want to spend that much and get an education that simply indoctrinates their expensive child with Catholic dogma. They would demand the child be exposed to contemporary ideas to prepare them for a contemporary world. That includes professors who explain why neither Jesus nor God was neither man nor woman. If the local Bishop could stop that I'm sure he would. But, he can't.

    3. Jon 8:21 am: Yes, I have been "involved". The ECE Department and Engineering College both needed to have permanent, not interim, leaders. I just supported that effort. But at a high level, no, I have not been involved.

      Jon 10:19 am: The Church and the Catholic universities in America have problems. There are only a handful of truly Catholic universities in America, e.g. University of Steubenville, St. Thomas Aquinas College (California), the University of Dallas, University of Mary, Christendom College, Catholic University of America, and a few more come to mind. It seems the shift is going in the right direction despite the existence of Georgetown University, St. Thomas University (St. Paul, MN), etc.

      Each Bishop who has one or more Catholic universities is responsible that those private colleges and universities adhere to Catholic Teaching. If he neglects his responsibility, he will be held accountable. Bishops have tough jobs. They have to shepherd all people in their (arch)diocese. The Fargo diocese is growing. A very large Catholic church is to be built in West Fargo. It will probably surpass Sts. Anne and Joachim parish in Fargo.

      A degree from Notre Dame is held in high regard. Depending on the major of the graduating senior, job prospects are better than the nationwide graduates.

      I doubt you really have any clue what goes on at a university like Notre Dame. I am in the same boat. I know there are alarming things at Notre Dame. Even more alarming things happen at Georgetown. It would probably be best if some of these universities were simply made private like Stanford University. Drop the religious affiliation and name. Notre Dame could become Knute Rockne University. Georgetown could probably keep their name.

      There are rich men, educated men (and women) who die and move to Hell. There are paupers and imbeciles who die and move to Heaven. For the sake of their own souls, the people in control at Catholic universities will first attempt to create and maintain a strong Catholic identity while also creating and maintaining a strong academic identity.

      Please don't be silly or flippant about Jesus and God being without gender. Jesus Christ came into this world and left this world as a man. He and God are spirits as well. The image of God is father. The image of Christ is brother. The image of the Holy Spirit is a dove.

      My money is on God. He knows not everyone will choose eternal life in Heaven.

    4. I contribute to Thomas Aquinas College. hope you might consider doing so. they run a really top notch operation. almost wiped out by the Thomas fire several years back.

    5. Matt--Thanks for the expansive response. You are correct I have not been on the campus of University of Notre Dame. I read about it in the departments' reports and publications of faculty.

      I was not familiar with the categories of what I would call "deep" Catholic colleges/universities. I poked around to find out about some of those you mentioned. St. Thomas of California has only 407 students. It sounds like a good place--seems like a tough job to keep such a small place afloat. Steubenville and Dallas both have big controversies about faculty who assign reading to students which expand their knowledge and experience beyond what is considered acceptable. How about a reading list with a fictional book that has Mary masturbating? Christendom had a rape and harassment charge in 2018. Catholic Un. has a 3.5 million debt and is under sanction by AAUP for limiting freedom of expression.

      These schools all seem like OK places. They are having the same problems as right wing Protestant Moody Institute. Knowledge expands but the church and big donors want to freeze it as it was way back when. I see even NDSU is under budget constraints. I lived through two or three of cut back periods.

    6. I'm sure some reading material contains questionable material. The idea of the Blessed Virgin Mary engaged in sexual sin is inexcusable, however. Despite it being fiction, which it would have to be, it doesn't promote ideas which help one on the journey to Heaven. I watch Perry Mason episodes yet I have no desire to commit murder. To the contrary, Perry and his crew are idolized as those that live virtuous lives.

      By "big controversies" I assume they are small and taken care of at those 2 schools. Christendom isn't perfect?! Gosh, Catholics are sinners! Who knew. Did the Administration approve of the rape? Of course, not. You forget to mention that Catholic University is accredited. The AAUP is purely a political group devoted to their brand of 'freedom of expression'. AAUP has nothing to do with accreditation, etc.

      As for NDSU, the St. Thomas Newman Center is now demolished but a much bigger one, funded by donors, is rising up from the ground. Catholic housing will also present in the development. The NDSU budget is not very relevant as no money funds the Newman Center.

      I thoroughly enjoyed attending Mass the the Naval Academy Chapel when I was there to visit my son in August. I have not researched the funding for the construction and maintenance of the Chapel but I would bet the US government was involved.


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