Fund Raising to Keep Abortion Available

In Texas, fund raising or organizing has begun to keep abortions available to women should Roe v Wade be overturned.  Overturn of Roe v Wade would mean some states would have abortion available and others would not. Or, some would have rules that could accommodate providers and others would have rules that are difficult to impossible to accommodate.

Medical abortions at home are becoming easier as time goes on. Of course there will be efforts to prohibit sales of medicine. If experience in other countries is applicable, it will be hard to stop access to this medicine.

To get a surgical abortion in states where it is prohibited or difficult, the only options would be having illegal abortions or traveling to other states or Mexico or Canada. That is where today's organizing is focused. Planning for fund raising to transport patients to places where abortion is available has already begun.

There are thousands of volunteers across the United States who now escort young women past protesters at clinics. The number and training of escorts would need to be expanded. Volunteer drivers and their vehicles would be needed. Perhaps even driving teams would be needed for overnight trips.

According to what I have read, there are enough volunteers already pledged to make such a network available. A large public advertising effort would be needed so women would know how to access the system. If the past is a predictor, anti abortion zealots would complain so loudly the public would learn about the service through them.

Prohibition of abortion seems to me quite similar to the old prohibition of alcohol. Producing and distributing alcohol under the nose of government turned out to be not so difficult. Anti abortion zealots under estimated for force of legal arguments in favor of abortion and thus we have Roe. My guess is they have under estimated the ability of women's rights organizations to provide abortions even without Roe. 


  1. People are peculiar about their money. They like to keep it. I sincerely doubt people will pool their money to transport a woman 250 miles to and 250 miles from a city, spend 4 hours waiting for tests, the abortion and then pay the killer money. Do this 200 times per week, 52 weeks per year in scores of communities throughout the USA and I think you have a fantasy.

    But I am anxious for the day when abortion is illegal in all 50 states.

    1. I sincerely doubt people will pool their money..and then pay the killer money."

      Wishful thinking by someone like you who no doubt pay money to "save" one cell. Why would anyone give money to such organizations. You would be surprised by how much money is raised just in Fargo to pay abortion costs of poor women there.

  2. Jon, you allude in many of your daily topics that God really doesn't exist because why would an all-loving God allow for so much pain and suffering in the world. The question is fair in some sense but not very mature. If you were all-powerful, what sort of world would you create? Would you make sure there was no pain? If so, then how would we experience joy? If we are defeated in life, how would we experience satisfaction in life?

    In the millions of ways God could have created our human existence, how would we know how to judge how THIS creation compares to all the other possibilities? Perhaps this existence is exactly the balance needed in allowing mankind to achieve greatness but also to create great pain. Why would God allow a mentally retarded child to be born? A stillborn child? A child with physical deformities? Could it be to create empathy in the hearts of parents, in others? Is it a test of our humanity?

    This is a long topic.

    It's just too easy to throw darts at God and feel like you've injured him. You are unlike many others before you who have rejected God. He knows it will happen. He knows which people will come around. He knows who will bring the atheist to belief.

    No one can make you believe. it is a gift you must accept. Rejection hurts no one but yourself or does it? Does it affect others around you? Family? Friends?

    If you want to follow some candid observations about Inside Catholicism, let me suggest you read

    1. Matt "If you want to follow some candid observations from Inside Catholicism, let me suggest you read...."

      Thanks, but I'll pass on that.

    2. As the NAACP used to say, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

    3. BTW, Pres. Trump will be the first US President to address the March for Life in person. Friday, 1/24/2020.


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