Christian Solution to Reverse its Decline

In a recent post a Christian talk show host laid out his solution to the Christian problem of young people polling majorities non Christian. That is, a majority of the under 25 years old say they affiliate with no branch of Christianity.

The first source of the problem, he writes, is that these young people were not raised by parents who held strong Christian beliefs and convictions. So what would the solution to that be?  When these young people raise their own children they will hold even weaker convictions, likely none at all. It is ridiculous to think today's young people will raise their children as conservative Christians.

This highlights the problem Christianity has in the U.S. Its followers don't get one simple fact: People don't buy this stuff anymore. More precisely, a majority of the young don't buy the religious tenets.

If we want to know what people are buying at the "store of religion" we should go as far back in history as we can. We can study surviving written work and artifacts.

What seems the case in ancient history is that humans have come up with deities that fit their needs at the time. That there were so many deities fits the broad term, paganism. Reading literature of current pagans, that group seems to me more in tune with contemporary society than does Christianity. They discuss various imaginary beings that are around them and what those beings might mean. They, at least some of the pagans, try not to condemn each other and certainly do not condemn groups like gays or practices like abortion. They stay focused on spiritual beings.

Conservative Christianity does just the opposite. Biden is refused communion, no same-sex marriages, no women clergy and prayers are pushed in public places. Christians would serve their faith better by finding out why faith systems like paganism are growing and adjust their own faith to changing times.


  1. This too has been predicted. 2 Thes. 2;1-3-------Mat 24;10-2

  2. Helper "This too has been predicted"

    Those passages sound like President Trump, "Elect one of those schmucks running against me and the economy will fail." In the case of 2 Thes and Matthew Jesus will come back an smite all the pagans. I read that by the time 2 Thes was written, about 100 years after the supposed time of Jesus, people were complaining. The return of Jesus had been promised for some generations but he hadn't shown up. So the writer of 2 Thes had to warn them he was still coming and any scoffers would pay the price. Two thousand years of scoffers and no one has suffered for it.

    1. re. "scoffers". You really can't be sure. When your heart stops beating, your / the end has come. That includes everyone including the scoffers. "The already, but not yet." Time frames are of no importance. An excuse maybe, maybe not. Pascale's wager? Naw.

      Re. "the economy"; Not a consideration. Schmuck or not.

  3. You spend loads of time on someone you don't believe exists. No time to get worked up about a flying noodle monster?

    Exactly what pain or sin are you running from?

    1. Matt "You spend loads of time on someone you don't believe exists. No time for a flying noodle monster?'

      The Flying Spaghetti Monster does not have enough material. Your religion has invisible gods, invisible hell and heaven, mythical history and judgments about the sins of others. If some new religion comes along that is as much fun as Christianity I'll jump ship.

    2. The Flying Noodle Monster doesn't exist and we both know it.

      God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit exist and we both know it. The only question is why you work so hard to perform evil acts to prune people away from their faith? Some atheists are content to having a personal belief and not bash other people for their beliefs. Then there are atheists like you.

      Exactly what pain or sin are you running from?

    3. Matt "God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit exist and we both know it."

      You know as well as I they do not exist. At least you know like I do there has never been one spec of evidence they exist. What is the pain you are experiencing that drives you to claim they exist when you have nothing but your opinion to offer up?

      As far as why I write this blog and other atheists do not write one, the same question I must ask of you. Why do you insist on broadcasting you views against abortion far and wide. There are millions of people who do not believe in abortion who keep their views to themselves. Exactly what pain or sin are you running from? Did you pay for an abortion and now bray against it from feelings of guilt?

      I write this blog because I enjoy writing it and because of people like you who work to impose your views on me through religious public laws.

    4. If you are right you will never know whether the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real or not. Just as well, if He's real he'll be pissed because you mocked Him. And how do you knw what Matt really believes: a tad presumptuous aren't you. The Spaghetti Monster probably wouldn't approve of such bad manners.

    5. Actually, the Flying Spaghetti Monster was created by atheists to mock Christianity. It's as close as atheists get to publicly saying they have a deity. Great. Instead of an honest belief, it is still all about mocking Christianity.

      The problems are many but primary problem is the rejection of God. He is real and we both know it. Look around you.

  4. Unknown "you know what Matt really believe: a tad presumptuous aren't you."

    Apparently you did not read Matt's post. He said he knew I really believed God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are real. I was only parroting him. (I have an especially hard time with that "holy spirit" thing--what in the world is that? I must have heard the words when I was growing up and in church but never gave it a second thought. Never thought about it for decades, and now it is coming up here. Goes right over my head.)

    1. and Matt shouldn't presume to know what you really believe. for my part I assume that intellectually you are really an atheist. Indeed, dyed in the wool. But I also think that you haven't really faced up to consequences of your beliefs. beyond that I am puzzled by the vehemence and certitude with which you attack Christianity. As to the Holy Spirit, he is a little analogy: Shakespeare's idea when conceiving a play (the Logos), actually writing the play (the Incarnation, the making real in the world) and the power of the play to influence his audience and future generations (the Spirit).

    2. Unknown "But I also think you haven't really faced up to the consequences of your beliefs."

      That is exactly what I think about you and those like minded. You have faced up to the consequences of what you believe. The years go by, time gets shorter. Now would be as good a time as any to recognize what you believe was implanted in your mind and you have not developed the critical thinking required to process it properly.

    3. very bad manners again. telling me that I have not developed the critical thinking, etc. shame. moreover you don't have a clue re my thinking ability. I would, however, venture to say that it surpasses yours. philosophy isn't for dolts.

    4. Unknown "very bad manners again."

      I don't understand your rules. When you insult me, I guess it is kindness on your part. We I return the insult it is "bad manners." I could make a suggestion here, but it looks futile.

    5. How do I know of God's existence, and subsequently, the divinity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. You ask a fair question and I imagine you will disagree with my answer. Regardless, I know you believe. If you didn't believe, you wouldn't write this blog. You worry that people like me believe in God. You think it is a detriment to society when the exact opposite is true. If atheism, communism and socialism were allowed to exist in the USA, it would lead to our downfall.

      I've seen the miracle of birth 7 times. I've seen people sacrifice and die for their faith; not just strangers but people in my life. I've seen prayers answered. I see the beauty of the faith reflected in the worn out rosary beads on a Sunday morning Mass in Poland, with the indoor temp at around 40 degrees. I've read the lives of the saints who put The Avengers, Superman and Batman to shame. I've seen how sex, pornography, alcohol, drugs, sloth, envy and pride eat away at a person. Their Godly counterparts are chastity, purity, humility, meakness, faith, hope, love and mercy bring healing and joy to people's lives. Atheism does not offer these Christian virtues. Teven these Christian virtues are shared in Islam, Taoism, Buddhism and other faiths.

      There is enough archeological and written evidence of Jesus Christ, His disciples, the spawning of the Christian faith - not from triumphalism and splendor but from persecution and martyrdom. Then there is all the prophesy from the Old Testament about the birth of Jesus. I've been to Israel twice and seen the historical and ancient places of Masada, the Dead Sea, Galilee, the Jordan River, Bethlehem, Jericho, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Golgotha, the walk of Christ as he bore His cross, the thousands of churches, mosques, synagogues, and other holy places.

      I saw it in my parents, my extended family, St. Anthony of Padua, Shanley High School, the Newman Center at Stanford, all my parishes I belonged to, my spouse, etc. IT IS ALL OVER.

      People who don't believe have to dismiss alot of evidence to not believe. In many cases, their shame precludes them from considering faith. An abortion, an addiction, sloth, fear of all it entails to lead a truly Christian life, etc. It akes alot from a woman who has aborted to come to the feet of Jesus, ask forgiveness, be forgiven and be reconciled. The world tells her it was her reproductive right ... to not reproduce (?!?). People piling ul lie after lie to justify what they know in their hearts is false. There is a God. There is salvation. There is mercy. But one has to believe and take action based on that belief.

    6. Matt "How do I know of God's existence..."

      Thanks for an expanded essay on what and why you believe. It contributes to the dialogue about the faith. I don't, of course, believe these things but I prefer a frank admission of what I would call an emotionally tinted view to things to those who try to disguise their emotional tie to the faith by hiding behind esoteric arguments.

    7. I don't try to disguise my faith as emotions. Nor do I lay out a scientific proof of faith. Faith is not science, not yet. Was faith science when Christ brought Lazarus back from the dead? Was faith science when Jesus rose from the dead? Was faith science when 5000 people were fed from a handful of bread and fish? I am nearly certain you would deny the existence of God if you witnessed a blind man seeing, a lame man walking or the sea parting.


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