We Have Religious Whackos Running Our Government

It is alarming how many religious zealots there are high in the Trump Administration. Who they are and how they think is like returning to the middle ages.

Let's remember how far off the mental track President George W. Bush was. He told the President of France that France should join the invasion of Iraq because it was run by the Satanic forces of Gog and Magog. This has been referred to as crackpottery.

President Bush's crackpottery was no worse than the religious views of many now serving in the Trump Administration. They "know" of demonic influences lying in wait for the unwary people of the U. S. and only the thin line of those Christian appointees stands between a Godly nation and the moral abyss.

VP Mike Pence does not believe evolution should be taught in public schools. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo thinks, "...politics is a never-ending struggle until the rapture." He has also said, "Jesus Christ..is the only solution for the world."  To repeat, he is the Secretary of State. This position is head of the State Department which manages our relationships with all other countries in the world. The majority of the world does not believe in or has never heard of Jesus Christ. Those non Christians of the world have to conclude our country is led by religious crackpots.

Our Attorney General, Bill Barr, is no better, "God's eternal law the divine wisdom of which the whole of creation is ordered."

Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos says, "Our desire is to confront the culture in ways that will continue to advance God's kingdom." Then there is Rick Perry who has determined President Trump is the "chosen one."

With God running our government one would think we would all see some improvements.


  1. Jon; Don't forget the Christian Zionism most of these types espouse. That is a singularly important geo- political feature.

  2. Jon; To get you up to speed on Christian Zionism, I recommend the book "CHRISTIAN ZIONISM" Stephen Sizer; Inter varsity Press. It may give you a better perspective on our involvement in the Middle East.

  3. Hmmm, the Trump administration has given Americans of various demographics higher employment, higher wages and less dependency on government. The Obama administration gave us spying on Trump through the abuse of the FISA process.

  4. Jon, isn't "religious whacko" redundant in your way of reasoning? Or are there some religious people who aren't "whacko"? I'm guessing you'll point to some United Church of Christ person. I could point to the Rev. James Jones, Osama bin Laden, Fred Phelphs Sr., etc.

  5. Matt "Or are there some religious people who aren't 'whacko'?"

    So glad you asked. The most prominent person who is religious but not whacko is John Shelby Spong. He is a retired Episcopalian Bishop who has written numerous books and is still on the road lecturing around 90 years old. I would characterize his view this way (and I may not be entirely correct), there is a god but information about that god does not come from the Bible. The Bible is simply a collection of ancient views that has little relevance in the modern world.

    1. I am not surprised that you believe that about retired Episcopal bishop Spong. Since Spong refutes theism it's hard to classify him as religious but being a retired bishop in the Episcopal church will make most think he is religious. If he were a retired Catholic bishop, he would probably be excommunicated unless he was deemed mentally incompetent.

  6. Matt "If he were a retired Catholic Bishop, he probably would be excommunicated..."

    Even when people tell the truth there will be scoffers (2 Peter 3:3).

    1. if Catholics claim to have truth on their side, they are wackos. atheists, in contrast, have truth by the you know whats. hmm?


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