Religion in the New Star Wars Movie

I went to the new Star Wars movie, The Rise of Skywalker, with younger people. Not really familiar with the genre I had heard it had religious themes and was curious to see if I could understand it.

We all know of the ancestral worship shown in Egyptian tombs. It is also a part of native religions in the Americas. That is the religion of Star Wars. The Skywalkers are the clan given the responsibility to carry the torch for all of human (and half human) kind. Luke and Leia Skywalker has now passed the torch to Leia Skywalker II.

My understanding of Star Wars is so superficial I hesitate to go into it too much. At one point there is an epic battle between Leia II and a male villain. After it is over and she wins she first spares his life, then kisses him. He then dies. I asked a younger person why he died in the story line. Eyes rolled because this villain was a turncoat and had killed so many in previous stories there was no way he could be allowed live. Perhaps it was like Lot's wife in the Bible.

Besides the religious overtone and the usual triumph of good over evil, there wasn't too much to the movie. If you have seen western movies where there is a chase on horses of good guys and bad, or car chases like Smoky and the Bandit you have seen Star Wars. In this movie there are endless chases of space vehicles and endless battles using laser pistols and swords. I dozed off for a few minutes.

I just read Star Wars had a disastrous week as the box office. Disney stock fell today.

The shelf life of Star Wars has expired. 


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