It's Unlikely Paul Condemned Homosexuality

It is almost a requirement that Christians believe the Apostle Paul condemned homosexuality in 1 Corinthians 6:9 of the New Testament. The problem is, no one, absolutely no one, can take the Greek word that Paul (or some scribe later on) used in there and say it meant same sex sex.

Whenever I see these certain behaviors, abortion and homosexuality, referred to as "big" and most important sins I'm reminded to material I've read about those who wrote the 1611 version of the King James Bible. By all indications they were a conscience group wanting to finally get the Bible right. They poured over the Greek and tried their best to find where words were used elsewhere to determine what they might have meant when originally written or inserted later by scribes. In the notes they made they admitted they often had to just make a guess.

Today scholars have the entire Greek writing as well as thousands of other Greek documents on computers. They can scan each word over centuries and multiple uses. There are times when they also can do nothing but make a guess.

There are two problems with using the ancient Greek. One is finding the origins of words. The other is knowing what the word meant at the time it was used. The origin of the word "dandelion" is something about a lion's tooth. But we use it today for a weed. How many Greek words went through the same morph to be used in some way very different than the original?

So it is with the Greek word "ARSENOKOITES." In 1 Corinthians 6:9, Paul supposedly writes about various behaviors of the unrighteous including " who practice homosexuality." Homosexuality is the translation used by modern Bibles of the Greek word above.

As the link points out, the word ARSENOKOIRES is used nowhere else in the Bible or in other ancient sources. It might be a combination of two words marriage and bed. If it is this does not translate into homosexuality. It might condemn having sex with a prostitute or a sister. And, it refers only to men. Even then, we don't know its usage at the time referred to marriage and bed.

Using ARSENOKOIRES as a condemnation by Paul of homosexuality is playing the religion card without the religion behind it.


  1. "unlikely" A little soft on the absolute.

  2. helper "A little soft on the absolute." The Greek word ARSENOKOITES could mean lots of things include male to male sex. The odds of that are tiny. For Christians who don't like gay men it's meaning is absolute. Lesbian sex is OK however.

    1. Tiny, but possible. I think I am a lesbian. I like women.

    2. little helper December 9, 2019 @ 6:22 AM; “I think I am a lesbian. I like women.” A little early morning levity? I must admit taking some offense at that meme. You see we have lesbian females in our family. They are wonderful people in 20+ year marriages to their loved ones. The twinge of resentment passed as soon as I pictured you on your knees communing and consuming the “real presence” of some flesh and body fluid. There. All better.

    3. I don't see the connection. Please 'splain. Due to a back problem, I can't kneel. Silly you.
      That "real presence" would replace of your resentment.
      I see you believe in consubstantiation. Did you hear the bell ring, and smell the smoke?

    4. Ardy; Or you of the Capernaitic school of thought that physically munches, chews the flesh and bones, then drinks blood as do the cannibals? That sounds closer to your understanding.

    5. Ardy; Hey, I didn't bring up the subject. In fact at a social gathering a few years ago, I was talking with a known lesbian. I told her I thought I was a lesbian, because I too like women. She almost doubled over in laughter.
      Truth be told, I think I have less hangups on the subject than you do. Or you are just looking for an argument. If so, lighten the hell up.

    6. Ardy; re. kneeling; That falls under adiaphora. (Things not commanded or forbidden.)
      Some of our churches don't even have communion rails and padding. That too is an option. The communicants stand to receive the bread and wine. Often times you will see people with arthritis or other disabilities stand to receive the Sacrament. Only three things are required; 1. consecration, 2. distribution, and 3. reception. The prayer of thanksgiving is said by the congregation at the end of the Divine Service, ("When two or more are gathered in my name"(singular)( Father, Son and Holy Spirit). standing. For some who have severe inabilities, the pastor goes out to the individuals and gives them the Sacrament sitting in the pews.
      We don't have "kneelers" in the pews like the Catholics, but that too falls under adiaphora. We could, but don't. Something to trip over.
      If you have any other misconceptions, let me know.

  3. Paul did condemn homosexuality in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

  4. He also condemned it in Romans 1:26 even though atheists don't understand what unnatural lusts as opposed to natural lusts mean. But atheists don't seem to understand basic reproduction and biology 101 so Scripture is WAY too hard for them to understand. But Scripture is simple for those of us who know that 2 men or 2 women were not biologically created to have sex with each other. Paul also does not oppose God's laws which say that homosexuality is an abomination or for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. But even though the words in the Bible are much too difficult for atheists to understand, God won't give them a free pass from His wrath because they have the capacity to understand the His words but choose not to exercise it.

    1. Carico "even though atheists don't understand what unnatural lusts as opposed to natural lusts mean"

      Carico--I think you should get an award for the longest running troll on my blog. You were trolling me even before I started writing a blog.

      As to not understanding what was meant by "unnatural lusts" you are correct I have never read what Paul himself said he meant by this term. If you could post a scripture reference where he says directly that "unnatural" refers to same sex please post it. If you post more about the anatomy of humans I will not post it.


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