Ken Ham: Believe in Seven-Day Creation or You're Soul is Lost

Ken Ham is the force behind the Noah's Ark replica in Kentucky called the Ark Encounter. He is also on a speaking tour and promotes his businesses.

His is a literalist and promotes this view of Christianity. Everything written in the Bible is factually correct. He says that if a Christian starts to doubt any part of the Bible then all of the Bible is open to doubt. That is why it is a requirement to believe God created the world in six days. As he says, if one doubts the six day creation one has opened to believing Jesus told lies.

Ironically, right next to the article about Ham was one by a young man who was a literalist but who lost his faith and is now an atheist. One of the issues he confronted himself with was this: If there was no Noah flood then how can I be certain there was a resurrection? I've asked that in various ways here for years. That is, if the horrific God in the Old Testament did not flood, kill and torture as it says he did why are we to believe there was a Jesus who went around healing people?

There are several questions around the six day creation. The two different accounts in the Bible do not have the same things created on the same day. One of them has a bunch of stuff created the first couple of days and only later God created "light." How did anyone see that all this was created if one couldn't see anything.

As a child I was sitting around talking to some other farm kids when one said, "You know, a day the the Bible was several years. That's how stuff was created in one day."

Now in my snarky old age I'd like to know where in the Bible it says one day is several, or several million, years. I'm sure someone can point to some scripture and start the sentence with, "What this means is several years" even though it does not say that.

While requesting public money for his ark, Ken Ham promised his Ark company would be private and would pay the corporate tax rate. After he received the public money he changed the company to a nonprofit so he did not pay the taxes he had promised.

If Ham is an honest about the Bible as he is about business we need to be suspicious.


  1. Ken Ham, “Hambo, The Ayatollah of the Appalachians”, might have done better building a huge wooden whale with a restaurant in its belly — Jonah’s. The House Special is ham. It’s a whale of a deal. (age-related snark) We’ve got to tighten up on the 501(c) stuff. Good grief.


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