How Religion is Fighting Back

No one, not even the most religious among us, can say religion in the U. S. is growing. The only conclusion is that it is becoming smaller.  There are daily articles on how it should fight back to it "rightful" place of growth and dominance. Books are being given away which sound the alarm of a godless society.

One popular narrative used in articles written by those of the religious right is that its problems are being caused by either supernatural beings, like Satan, or, by scheming and sinister forces of the left. Maybe some say the two have joined forces.

The possibility that religion itself is the cause of its decline never seems to come up when religious people write about it. A prominent New York Times writer today said the main problem in religion is its dogmatic "blowhards." These are the anti gay and anti women/abortion zealots. This group does seem to harm the faith but probably they are not the main problem.

As the link points out, the problem of the faith is that is preaches things that just are not true. At least those who look for answers cannot find them in the faith. People already hooked on it do not look for answers.

There is an unstoppable force of knowledge that pushes forward in spite of efforts to stop it. This force challenges the threats of hell and the claims of miracles like the dead coming back to life. This force challenges to rules of sin that have been cranked out by preachers and priests since way back when.

A few fingers pushed into the crack of the dike of lies will not hold back the force of knowledge. So far, the rate of people leaving the faith is increasing.


  1. Even more progressive Christians often want to lay the blame solely on the intolerant attitudes of the religious right for the steady decline in religious faith. That way they don't have to wrestle with the fact that many people are rejecting even their version of core Christian beliefs.

  2. To groom his political base Trump has declared his love of Jesus and almost completely dismantled the Obama legacy. To that end right wing conservative Christianity has figuratively tied Obama to the whipping post in favor of a charlatan, a pretender. Christianity in America you see is rotting from the inside out. The “Religion of Pity” has turned in on itself. It’s now the religion of self-pity. Much of Christianity claims it is victimized and by extension so is poor Trump, its present day saint. As many a pew and plate stand empty, as its social privilege wanes, maybe the faith will peel back its political veneer, find the courage to respond to injury without revenge and save itself. A tall order because, “In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point.”, Nietzsche.

    1. I'm glad you said "much of Christianity", indicating there are persons and denominations not involved in politics. Although from where I sit "much" isn't as large as you may think. It looks like those denominations who are involved in politics treat it like a religious experience, and a rally or convention more like a pilgrimage.

      I am also glad you say "right wing conservative", indicating / acknowledging a difference between conservative, / responsible Christianity and a right wing syncretism, (a synthesis) of religion and politics.

    2. little helper 7:17 AM; The points in your comment are well taken. Thank you.


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