What is a Heresy Hunter
A few times I've been accused of something called "heresy." I've had to look up what the word means and I'm not sure I understand yet. Apparently, there are people who devote their lives to heresy hunting. They scan the horizon looking for heresy and when they see it they pounce.
A somewhat hypothetical story I read was of a new pastor getting acquainted in his church. After the first sermon he received an email outlining all the theological errors he had committed in applying a bit of scripture to everyday life. He thanked the writer and said he would keep his comments in mind.
The email author was incensed that his rock solid critique of the sermon were blown off by the new preacher. He saw it as the preacher dissing him. He told members everywhere. The new preacher began to understand why the previous preacher left.
I found various definitions of heresy. Mostly it means holding a view different than the most popular views. In Catholicism it is denial of a "revealed truth."
Heresy hunters are viewed by many church strategists as harmful to the church. There are two approaches to what is the "true faith." One is what the founders of a denomination wrote down as its dogma. The other is what those in the pews think their church believes.
A sibling of mine married into a deep South family. The family were members of a nationwide denomination which I know did not endorse segregation. But this family, and I suppose most members of their church, believed segregation was endorsed by their church. To speak in favor of interracial marriage would, I'm sure, have been considered heresy by church members.
To me heresy hunters are like serious game hunters. What they are doing seems noble to them. In the big scheme of things getting theology perfectly correct is not important.
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