Two Month Embryos Don't Have Hearts
While it is possible to detect some rhythm in a two month embryo, it is not a heartbeat because there is not yet a heart. Anti abortion zealots equate the registering of the sound picked up by medical instruments to the presence of a heart.
This is a mere continuation of the dishonest rhetoric tossed out there by anti abortion zealots. Facts have no place in their arguments.
Anti abortion zealots are good at keeping the argument away from the important issue, what will happen to women who have miscarriages. I'm reading Michelle Obama's memoir finished since she left the White House. One of the lowest points in her life, she writes, was a miscarriage.
She and her husband had been trying for a long time to have a baby but she did not become pregnant. When finally she had been pregnant they celebrated. The long wait was finally over.
This celebration ended abruptly with the miscarriage. She was alone and distraught. Her distraught state of mind must be that of millions of women who want a child but the pregnancy fails.
If a doctor had recorded she was pregnant but she now told the doctor she had had a miscarriage, what would the doctor be obligated to do if abortion was illegal? The option of taking a woman's word for a spontaneous miscarriage would not be available, it seems to me. In a murder case someone cannot claim, "I didn't do it. I was at Joe's Bar." without law enforcement checking to see if anyone saw him at Joe's. When Grandpa "fell down the stairs and we inherited his money" would, it seems to me, require an investigation.
Establishing what rights of privacy and integrity women have is no where to be found in anti abortion politics. You can knock but no one is home.
That women will have rights when they will not is like a heart beating when there is no heart. It's political flim flam.
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