The National Rifle Association is Pathetic and Corrupt
Leave it to conservatives to be taken in again by sweet talking crooks. The NRA has been robbed by its officials. They have rewarded themselves with massive amounts of money.
Recently, retired Col. Oliver North was told his contract to head the NRA would not be renewed. His annual salary was one million.
Well connected Board members and other officials own a private company that does various services for the NRA. They charge those who send dues and donations millions of dollars a year for consulting, writing press releases and other seemingly low skill duties. The money disappears into the company and then to the pockets of those who decided to hire themselves.
When Obama was first running for President I remember a conversation with some NRA members who were friends of mine. They told me in hushed tones the NRA had sent out a memo saying it had inside information about what Obama planned to do immediately after taking office. It was to round up and take all rifles and handguns from the public. My friends said others without this inside information would probably doubt it was going to happen, but they knew it was true. We now know it was not true.
For a variety of reasons, the NRA apparently is in financial trouble. It has become obvious its main purpose for existing is not the 2nd Amendment but the enrichment of those who run it.
The longer the NRA suffers financially the better off our country will be. That the solution to bad government is everyone owning a gun is so ridiculous it's funny. Iraq has more guns per capita than the U.S. They use the guns to shoot at each other.
That is happening in the U.S. as well.
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