If Satan Gets into a Person's Mind What does He Tell Us
The Christian tales tells us there is this terrible villain, Satan. Satan has evil attributes, cunning, devious, etc. We are to fear Satan.
Then there is the hero, God. God is all powerful--can do whatever he wants. So why doesn't he just eliminate Satan? The explanation as to why Satan is not vaporized always gets confusing, at least to me. It's similar to free will. If because of free will we sin, why not eliminate it?
The answer to both of these is simple. It is about story telling. Would a story be popular if the hero killed the villain on page one? Of course not. A story needs to unfold slowly.
That is why there is Satan and free will. In order to keep people coming to church and putting money in the plate an on-going story with tension and drama needs to keep playing out. All of Christianity has a note, "To be continued," at the end of each tale. If Satan was killed by God or God did away with free will so we did not sin everyone would just quit the church. Why would they need it?
One common way Christian writers frame it is that if you have doubts about the faith, it is because Satan in infiltrating your mind. In my case, I have read that those who wrote the Bible were the very wealthy of that era. The behavior rules that appear in the Bible seem exactly like those a wealthy class would impose on the less wealthy who they want to oppress. Reading the Bible from this perspective makes one suspicious it is not actually the "Word of God" but the words of wealthy people writing in their own self interest.
If there is evidence the above is true about those who wrote the Bible I am supposed to conclude Satan has entered my mind. If it was the result of Satan, I have to compliment him as having the same views and reaching the same conclusion as scholars who study this stuff.
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