The Coming Prosecution of Young Women

When I first started writing about the coming prosecution of women for obtaining abortions, several anti abortion commentators said I was making groundless speculation. They posted that in the pre Roe days women were seldom prosecuted for abortions.

The latter is true. By all indications there were hundreds of thousands of abortions done in doctors offices and no prosecutions. I knew a hospital chaplain who said in his hospital there was an entire wing devoted to young women recovering from botched at-home abortions. No prosecutions.

But, today things are different. Headlines proclaim women are at risk of being prosecuted in the Georgia version of an anti abortion bill. The political juices are there for the prosecution of women. When women did not hold the power and purse strings as they do now a political decision was made to give them a pass. There were almost no prosecutions of doctors either. A political friend here who died recently at the age of 99 grew up poor on the streets of Fargo. He told me everyone knew the doctors to see if their girl friend got pregnant.

Today, there are too many people making a living in the anti abortion political industry to allow women to get off the hook. A portion of the public is willing to donate money to groups pursuing doctors, employees and women themselves. Political operatives must deliver prosecutions of women to protect their jobs.

There is one reason, however, to think nothing of substance will come of all this anti abortion hype.
It is that anti abortion operatives almost always overshoot their target. Their emotions do not allow rational strategic political thinking.

It still could be they will lose in the Supreme Court.


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