Satanists Will Sue for Abortion Rights
If the people who want religion out of government prayed, and many of them are believers, Satanists are the answer to their prayers. They are making a religious argument out of the "religious freedom" case.
So far, they have introduced Satan monuments to public areas that display the Ten Commandments. Now they are preparing to make abortion a religious practice that should be available to them.
If we start with the not refutable view that religion is something people carry around in their heads and is located no where else, what is to stop people from carrying around the idea that what other people carry around in their heads violates what I carry around in my head? Arbitrary for one person has to be arbitrary to another.
This is a difficult concept to master for those of faith. While it is self evident to people like me the ideas in the Bible were made up by wealthy goat herders in ancient times, this is hard to grasp for folks who believe there is an independent and real God who directed the goat herders to write that stuff.
But, there is so much baggage left over from "religion" it is difficult for the culture and the courts to say, "Atheists don't believe this stuff so their rights should be protected." That argument has not worked well. Sitting in Federal court rooms several times listening and watching Judges scoff at the notion atheists have the same rights as religions made me wish some other religion would make our argument against Christianity. Now this is happening.
A contemporary set of people is making up a new religion exactly the opposite of the one made up in ancient times. The time is right to protect the world from the odd notions that came down from ancient times. A modern religion stuffed with lawyers seems like a perfect solution. The Christian groups stuffed with lawyers seemed never to consider some other religion could have lawyer believers too.
When abortion rights are part of a religion it will open a door the "religious liberty" people have always wanted shut.
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