Florida Politician Said God Told Him to Stop Abortions
I wish there were a law that required corroborating evidence that God told politicians and preachers something. If God is all powerful one would think he could write his orders and provide a notarized signature.
And, it would be even more helpful if the ruling applied retroactively. That way claims that God told Jesus something when no one else was present would either be abandoned or confirmed.
I can't remember a Democrat claiming he/she was told to do something by God--surely there must be some. The solid and religious South used to be all Democrats. Some probably said God told them to be against integration. Today it is most common for Republicans to claim they heard directly from God and uncommon for Democrats. Every Presidential cycle there are Republicans claiming God wants each one to be President.
The most outrageous of claims was this week when a Republican State House from Florida, Mike Hill, said God told him to write a bill banning all abortions when the embryo has a heartbeat. Just a minute ago a Federal judge in Mississippi ruled a similar bill unconstitutional. He should have said God told him the Constitution did not allow it. It would be just like God to tell different people different things. If we had a signed statement from God showing him he already had established a position maybe he would stop telling different people different things.
If you are against abortions, it might be a good time to admit some people on your side tell lies.
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