Finally We Know Exactly What the Bible Means
The title is in jest, of course. It refers to a new book entitled, "45 Lies Christians Have Been Told" (about what is in the Bible). The author says he is setting us straight on what various passages of the Bible mean. He is, instead, one of a small industry made up of people who claim to know "the truth" about Christianity. Often each says something different.
Suspicions started when he quoted the apostle Paul in an interview. Quoting Paul means one assigns to him the status a great authority on what Christianity is all about. Yet, Paul assigns himself that authority, there was no impartial body of experts who passed judgement on his expertise. He assigns himself to be an authority because he visited with Jesus several times after Jesus was dead. Instead of Apostle Paul, he should be known as Impostor Paul.
If you want to know more about "the truth" you could read other "expert" from the Moody Bible Institute. His book's title says there are five lies Christians tell each other. Add him to the long list of truth tellers. The five lies might be an easier read than the 45 above.
As to what the original wealthy goat herders meant when they wrote the Bible we will never know for sure. The original writing did not survive and was recopied with edits hundreds of times. I've heard a lot of the writing actually dates to about the year 300. King James commissioned a blue ribbon panel to write an expertly done translation to English--it is called King James 1611. Notes preserved from these experts said there were words which baffled them and they just had to make a guess.
Each year until the end of Christianity there will be new books claiming to be the real truth about what the Bible says. I'd suggest you pass on this year's versions and also on the several years to come.
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