Catholic Women Were Clergy for 12 Centuries
The history of Christianity shows that women and men were equals for most of its history. That had to stop. Men gained the upper hand and will not let go.
If we are to treat the Bible as evidence about historical aspect of Christianity, Jesus seemed to involve women in prominent roles. Oh, yes, his disciples were all men. We don't really know this is true nor do we know the positions of the women who were supposedly around Jesus. Maybe the disciples took their orders from the women when Jesus was on vacation.
Then we go to Paul. Some of the writing attributed to him made light of women. But he also gave important responsibilities to them in his letters.
The only explanation I have heard from readers here on my blog is that men and women are different. Women can have children and men cannot. That means men are supposed to run the church and women are not. I challenge any other readers to make sense of that.
The excuses the Pope and some of my readers here give for women not being members of the clergy in some branches of the faith are actually humorous. When we see women holding high political office and Presidents of billion dollar corporations it defies logic to say they cannot do the relatively simply work of writing sermons and baptizing babies. Several large Protestant denominations feature women members of the clergy. There is no evidence anyone has gone to hell for that.
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