Religious Revelations are Still Being Received
I follow the Salt Lake City newspaper for news about the Mormon branch of Christianity. In some ways the Mormon faith seems like Christianity with a modern twist. It had a founder who, in modern times, received secret instructions just like the claim attributed to Jesus 2,000 years ago. If such a thing was not absurd 2,000 years ago why should it be absurd now. The barn door was left open.
That open barn door continues to serve Mormonism well. As times change its theology is able to keep up. This week it happened for children with gay parents. Mormons will now allow these children to enter the church without question--changing a policy that has been in place for four years.
This was allowed by an innovative Christian concept, "ongoing revelation." The President of the denomination is named as the person with authority to receive revelation. If "revelation" was received in ancient times by characters in Bible stories why could it not happen now? If stories were told then why not new stories today?
The notable thing about these revelations is that a former President received a revelation only back in 2015 that these children of gay parents must not be baptized into the church. The current President who received the opposite revelation said it arrived after considerable prayer. We should be thankful, he said, for God's continuing guidance.
To me, the continuing revelations in the Mormon church seems equal in validity to those claimed in the Bible. I have doubts either happened. I have no doubt, however, that admitting in full standing gay people and their children will be good for Mormonism and for the other branches of Christianity that have done this already.
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