Catholic Priests Burn Harry Potter Books

Just when you thought you have seen the most ridiculous religious behavior ever, there is a better one. Usually, it is some far right Protestant nut case carrying on about his self righteousness. In this case, some Catholic priests in Poland started a bonfire and tossed in several sinful items. One was a stack of Harry Potter books.

We can see clearly what our country, or any other country, would be like if religion took over completely the government. Keeping religion out of government is the goal of many of us.

If this Catholic group was in government, the most popular fiction series ever would be gathered and burned. Control of thoughts is big in much of religion.

It reminds me of Vice President Dan Quayle. He had a public tizzy foot over the TV show Murphy Brown. As I recall a fictional character was pregnant but unmarried. A nightly talk show host plainly reminded the VP, "It's a fictional character."

Years ago a colleague on the Fargo City Commission championed an ordinance against what he thought to be sinful literature and entertainment. I remember reading one sentence of what was to be banned, ".. simulation of the sex act." I was quietly amused at this, thinking of the two or three times I had seen live college performances of the musical, Cabaret. It has a moment where the main character refers to women of the street and pumps his pelvic.

Catholic priests burning Harry Potter books is a metaphor for how ideas from the past bring down institutions of today.


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