When Christianity Rejects Society's Outcasts

The parents of a child applied to enroll in a Catholic school. The child was rejected. There was nothing wrong with the child. It was because the parents were of the same sex. Somehow, it was the child's fault its parents are gay and the child needed to be punished.

Many parents in the school are angry at the Bishop who runs it. In addition, parents in other Catholic schools signed a protest petition.

There is no universal Catholic rule that children of gay parents cannot attend Catholic schools. It is a rule in individual dioceses run by closed minded clergy. This diocese is in the Kansas City, Kansas metro area.

As some of the protesting parents have pointed out, there are children in that school who's parents are divorced and remarried without annulments. By Catholic definition these parents are "living in sin." Why are children parented by one sin excluded while another sin is welcome? The answer can only be prejudice by clergy whose heads are still in the middle ages.

This is an example why the long-term future of conservative Christianity looks bleak. Catholics have been turning away divorced and remarried couples, losing both of them and their children. Now, they are turning away potential Catholics when they reject children of gay couples.

The real irony was the explanation given by the diocese for rejecting this child, "It will be confusing for other children."

According to the Bible, Jesus befriended society's outcasts. When the church rejects outcasts, that would be confusing to children.



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