What Motivates People to do Whatever They Do
What human beings do inside their heads is a topic that will never be answered completely but will be studied forever. Religion is much about the insides of peoples' heads, but so is my field, economics.
Most of the time, economics is regarded as folly by the general public and those Ph D's in the field are paid only nominally. But, there are times when economists are placed in the highest of posts. Such a moment is now.
I read recently that Amazon has hired over 150 economists. That is the second largest number in any institution behind the Federal Reserve. They were hired by Amazon, not to assess interest rates or inflation, but to get inside peoples' heads. Amazon wants to know why people buy things and how much they will pay. The success of Amazon speaks well for the advice it received from its economists.
Macro economics, the big picture of unemployment, interest rates and inflation is what the famous John Maynard Keynes worked with. Micro economics, why people work and then buy, is what Amazon's economists look at.
A person interested in theology studies documents, such as the Bible, written by religious people. The economist wants to know why the document was written and why someone is reading it. Generally, the economists inquiry would be to find how the writer benefited from writing and how the reader benefits from reading. The economist is trying to get into the heads of both the same way an evangelist is trying to stir up feelings in the pews.
If churches want to be as successful as Amazon, they might want to consider hiring economists.
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