Seven Artifacts from the Bible Still Missing
It's almost humorous that there are still digs going on trying to discover artifacts that might historically validate claims from the Bible. Since the stories that gave rise to theories the artifacts exist are most likely fiction, the existence of the artifacts themselves is most likely fiction as well.
One of the artifacts that some think can be found is the "Holy Grail". This is the cup supposedly used by Jesus at the last supper. Except for the tale in the Bible, there is no reason to believe the last supper itself actually happened. You can plan that some groups will beg for money because they are just on the brink of finding the cup. It will not be found.
One we all know about is Noah's Ark. Constantly there are "discoveries" of poles of dead trees that are "exactly" the length of ark. Money is made by those who own these sites and charge tourists to see them. Since we have no independent source to verify the ark ever existed we can forget about ever finding it.
Then there is the myths about others, a piece of the cross used to kill Jesus, the "Shroud of Turrin" and the Ark of the Covenant. Looking for these continues to bring in donations and publicity.
An interesting search continues for a written piece called by scholars, "Q". Some scholars believe the authors of Mark, Matthew and Luke all read a the same written work that predated their own. That piece of writing is called "Q". Since no actual trace of that writing has ever been found the common themes of the Gospels may well have come from stories passed down over time.
Mostly, discovered artifacts cast doubt, instead of confirm, on the truth of Bible stories.
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