How Much of the Easter Tale do You Believe
I enjoy reading writing by those who claim their is reliable evidence the Bible's main character, Jesus, died for our sins and literally came back to life. The reasons they give for believing all this is historical fact are dubious.
None of those who claim the be the Biblical authors were alive at the time all of it was supposed to have happened. No one wrote, "I saw Jesus alive after he died." Paul wrote he saw Jesus but it was in a dream. He wrote others were present but none of those people ever wrote they were there and saw what Paul described.
Certainly it appears a story began circulating some decades after the alleged event that Jesus came back to life. That does not mean it actually happened.
Based on nonreligious sources, the entire tale of a body taken to a cave or tomb is most unlikely. Bodies of political protesters were routinely left hanging in public view for a long time as a deterrent to others. This was the same practice used in the U. S. by white supremacists after they hung a black man.
Professor Bart Ehrman, who teaches, debates and writes books about Jesus, says many things about him circulate that are not true. Even though he has tried he has been unable to correct those stories.
I have had the same thing happen to me. Anti abortion protesters while I was a Mayor started a story my wife owned the clinic and that was why I supported police officers when they kept the street and sidewalk clear for public use. If offered to show protesters our personal tax records to set the record straight. They declined my offer. The false story continues.
I would guess in both Ehrman's and my cases it was claimed originally there were unnamed people who saw first hand what we are accused of. Like the Easter tale, they are myths passed from person to person until many believe then to be factual.
Good things to celebrate around the time of Easter are more daylight and warmer temps.
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