Here is Where Religion Harms People

Several years ago there was a beautiful young woman who co-hosted Pat Robertson's 700 Club. Her personality and singing voice were great.  Then she disappeared for a long time. I happened to catch her return as a guest. She said she suffered from depression and had to leave for treatment. She recommended all those with depression go to a doctor for the medication that is available.

I can't remember if Pat Robertson, her former boss, treats mental illness as the work of the Devil or not. But, plenty of Christians do. The "treatment" recommended from that branch of the faith is prayer. They go to doctors for physical illnesses and broken bones but not for mental problems. Now available are the testimonies of 40,000 people from Christian homes whose church kept them from medical treatment of mental illness. It is a story of cruelty.

Whenever the question, "What good has Christianity done?" comes up, the answer from the faithful is about all the hospitals and schools churches have started. It has, indeed, done these things and more. That has to be balanced against the harm it has done.

Treating mental illness as a religious issue is but one. They are many recent stories of women being admitted to Catholic hospitals with complications of pregnancy and learning only after this admission the hospital would not perform the surgery needed because of a religious hang up.

Divorced and remarried Catholics have been shunned by the church for a long time. Gay couples who would like to marry and feel a strong affection for the church have been told they are sinners.

When the faithful claim the church has brought them great happiness it means they were not part of the population it has harmed.


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