Four Major Religions All Include Anarchy
As a rank amateur in religion, it always seemed to me all religion was born in turmoil and has never left. We all know about the hundreds of branches of Christianity. Really, we should write "Christianity". Three other famous religions are filled with anarchy as well.
Anarchy has a few different meanings but in this case I'm using, "Absence or denial of any authority or established order" or "the absence of order."
How could this be when it is often said, "We are Bible based," or "Society changes, the truth never does"? Those who say such things will often be referred to a "salad bar Christians," "Christians in name only" or "fake Christians" by those they themselves criticism. I think it is safe to say all Christians refer to other groups as not being the true faith.
There is a story in Buddhism that some young men encountered Buddha. They said they had talked to some holy men and the holy men were not in agreement. They wanted Buddha to tell them which was right. Buddha instead told the young men to weigh critically what each holy man had to say and decide for themselves. It is said Buddhism seems more chaotic to the Western ear than to the Eastern. It does seem to promote anarchy.
In Fiddler on the Roof we see the Jewish man complaining to God. Much of Jewish history has seen Jews being pushed out of one place and moving to another. The faith has not been under a leader for much of its history. These circumstances have caused some to say anarchy is part of Jewish history.
My reference says Islam has the least anarchy of the Abrahamic religions. It is said that at the base of its core is the belief religious figures have more authority than government ones. I would guess few Muslims in the U.S. believe this. We know there are endless variations of Islam just as there are of other faiths.
If one sees religion as I do, as something carried in individuals' brains and existing nowhere else, there can be nothing but anarchy. And, that seems to be the case.
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