The Wealthy Catholics Influencing Catholicism
Outside of the Vatican, the most influential Catholic group in the world has been the U.S. Catholic Bishops. They meet, hammer our positions and try to move the Vatican and Popes in their direction. With sexual abuse among their members Catholic Bishops are losing their clout.
Rising in influence are U.S. nonprofits owned by very wealthy right wing Catholics. These groups hold conferences, have public relations offices, write position drafts for the Vatican and try to present themselves as the Catholic Church. They complete with the Bishops for influence.
These right wing Catholic nonprofits pay for Bishops to travel, pay the maintenance of Vatican buildings and make big contributions to the Vatican. The relationship of these wealthy Catholic groups with the Vatican is not unlike wealthy industry lobby groups and Congress.
Not surprisingly, these wealthy donors to their nonprofits equate Catholicism with low taxes on the wealthy and fewer regulations on corporations. This is, of course, exactly the opposite of Pope Francis' life long mission of advocating social justice for the poor. Also not surprisingly, these wealthy Catholics are working to undermine Pope Francis. One can guess that efforts are already underway to choose a pro-business Pope to succeed Francis.
According to what I read, it should not be surprising to see the business interests represented by these Catholic nonprofits rise in influence as that of Bishops falls.
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