Southern Baptists Rocked By Sex Scandals
Now the two largest Christian denominations, Catholics and the Southern Baptist Convention, are in the headlines with cases of sexual abuse. Both have pledged to stop this behavior. I doubt either can.
Catholics and Southern Baptists are organized in opposite ways. Catholics are a top down organization with a powerful Pope. Southern Baptists have only some centralized functions. There is a strong aversion to top down religious authority.
Statistically, both religious groups are huge and it expected raw numbers of abuse would be high. This would be the case even if the percentages of clergy committing abuse was low. Nevertheless, any group that makes its living condemning the sin of others deserves bad press when even some of their own do not live up to the standards they condemn in others.
My own theory, however, is that Catholics and Southern Baptists have something in common that attracts the worst kind of men and tempts them to the worst kind of behavior. Both are male dominated denominations. The theology of both make women second class citizens, worth of abuse.
We all know there is sexual abuse outside of religious groups. Only in the Christian religion, however, is there "sin". Common in the faith is to say, "We are all sinners." But then, fingers are pointed at the sins of others.
If those in the faith could resist pointing fingers at the gay community and at abortions, press about their scandals might not be so damning.
If atheists knew anything about what Jesus said they'd know that most of the professing church has abandoned sound doctrine and are following impostors and deceivers. (Mt.24:9-13, 2 Tim. 4:3-4). Jude 4-7 and 2 Pet. 2:10-22 also say that there will be godless men who support sexual immorality in the professing church. So the apostasy and hypocrites in the professing church today prove the bible true once again.
ReplyDeleteBut since atheists are S-O ignorant about Jewish history, especially what happened in Jerusalem and Galillee during the time of Christ, then it's as foolish to listen to them as it is to listen to someone talk about the French Revolution when he knows nothing about the French Revolution. So I don't listen to ignorant people. They can help no one.
"If atheists knew anything...most of the professing church has abandoned sound doctrine and are following impostors and deceivers." I happen to know all about this. I hear it from every corner of the faith, "Those other Christians are impostors. Mine is the only real Christianity." And "there will be godless men who support sexual immortality in the professing church..." Yes, those who wrote the Bible knew there will be "scoffers" and those who do not believe. Politicians do the same thing now. They point to the enemies and say, "Gather around me. I am your friend." To use your phrase, "If (Christians) knew anything", they would see the Bible was written by impostors.