Do You Believe God Blesses the Rich
More than one study has asked people about their views of the rich. There are views on both ends of the spectrum. Some hate the rich. But an estimated one out of five voters think rich political candidates, i.e. Donald Trump, are morally superior to those who have been less successful.
That Jesus smiles on the rich is part of the prosperity gospel. One in five adults believe there is something theologically superior about being rich. Those who claim to have voted for Trump because of abortion or because he insulted their common enemy probably have in the back of their minds that he is a good person because he is rich.
One of those who preached the prosperity gospel was favorite pastor of Donald Trump, Norman Vincent Peale. He wrote a best seller, "The Power of Positive Thinking." I'm guessing you could take the text of that book and find the sermon topics of today's Joel Osteen. The message is you will receive material rewards from God.
Is it not counter intuitive to think that the rich are morally superior to the not rich? One does not get rich by giving away most of his/her money. We all know of those who got rich by stiffing or taking advantage of others. Of course there are those who are both rich and morally upright. But is that the majority?
That the rich are superior is so embedded in U.S. politics leads me to think the Democrats need to run a billionaire for President.
Ever read the psalms? many of them don't have much good to say about the rich and powerful. far as know, the prosperity gospel is basically a Calvinist thing, the tradition that you grew up in.