Christianity is About the Bad People Who Live Over the Hill
When reading the Bible, everyone should remember it was written by ancient people for purposes that made sense back at that time. And, most parts apparently were written over a period of time so original writing was edited over the centuries.
In the Bible is a propaganda technique that lives on to this day. It it about people, disgustingly different from us, who live just beyond that river, desert or mountain. They are different in a bad way.
In some cases the bad people are all dead so we can talk about them now and they cannot argue back.
That clever way of writing and talking is used in U.S. politics today. Most of us don't live near the Mexican border. Others, like our President, can talk about those crossing the border as bad people and we can only shake our heads and listen. If we knew more about them they might not seem so bad. The President, like the ancients who wrote the Bible, knows it is frightens some to bash the brown people of Mexico.
One of the great stories in the Bible is about the good Jewish people returning to their homeland from which they were wrongfully removed. Their evil enemies the Canaanites. The Jews were heroic in the Battle of Jericho.
That story was necessary apparently at the time for some reason. Maybe it kept people in power. The problem is it was, so far as anyone can tell, made up. The conclusion of archaeology so far is that the Jews were never expelled from Egypt were merely a group indigenous to Canaan that never left.
Reading the Bible with a skeptical eye is a healthy thing to do.
Oh yes, but what if the brown people of Mexico are drug runners, human trafficers, escaped felons, whatever. Of course, not all Mexicans are bad people. Far from it. But how does one sort it all out? Prudence, old chap, prudence. Too politicize the issue, turning the whole affair into a fight between the good guys and the bad guys is imprudent. Besides, isn't doing that but an example of the very thing that you are so anxious to condemn?