Are Catholics in the Pews Complicit in Crimes of Clergy

There are many columnists, Catholic apologists, who are writing that the Catholic Church at large is not guilty when its clergy commit criminal acts. I'm sure something similar transpires when Protestant preachers do the are guilty of the same acts.

The link argues that Catholics in the pews and local parishes are something different than the Bishops who hid child molesting priests by moving them from parish to parish. The argument is that the Catholic hierarchy is separate from those in the pews.

One person who made light of the article used a phrase I am going to steal, "meaningless sophistry." The Christian faith is full of meaningless sophistry, Protestant, Catholic and all the rest. A more common ridicule of debates about fine points in theology is "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

The technicality those in the pews are not responsible for evil acts of those in the hierarchy is an unimportant distinction. An exception would be if those in the pews refused to accept interpretations of the faith or the silly notion that Catholic clergy received their authority by one remark attributed to Jesus they might legitimately be considered separate from the clergy. But, if they buy the clergy's line that the clergy are gatekeepers to the divine they have to be considered part of the criminal clergy's team.

To date, there has been no clean and clear separation of the hierarchy from their crimes. Yes, there have been prayers for forgiveness. Qt the same time there have been efforts to hide money from those suing the church for its crimes.

Each of us needs to take responsibility for what we support.


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