Witch Craft and Evil Spirits Sound Like Satan

The Pope believes it is Satan, not the rules that give Catholic clergy power over people, that is the cause of clergy who practice child abuse and/or those who do not remain celibate.

Tourists are now going to Kenya to be healed by witches. Witches are skilled at chasing out evil spirits. I am unable to see the difference between Satan and the evil spirits of witchcraft.

Such is the wonderful life of the human mind. The Greeks had gods which never came to earth. These gods had wives they were unfaithful to, various revenge battles, and battles between good and evil. Every story ever told, from those around the fire in ancient times to the Bible and to today's books and movies, has a hero and a villain.

Author, Professor Joseph Campbell traveled the world learning about the gods people worshiped. He referred to these gods as heroes, The Hero's Journey. 

In classic story telling, there cannot be a hero without a villain. Because religion is story telling, a villain of the mind had to be invented to be the arch enemy of the hero god of the mind. One such villain is the Pope's "Satan". This villain is causing priests to have girl friends and boy friends as well as to abuse children. The story should end happily with the hero vanquishing the villain. It never seems to happen.

In an ironic twist, witchcraft labels the witch as the hero who does battle with the villain, evil spirits. Religious folk might be indignant about this. Their hero, their god, is the being that is supposed to defeat evil which is called "Satan".

What goes on in the human mind never ceases to amuse.


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