Why Did White Europeans Dominate North and South America Natives

For some 50 years I've had an ongoing interest in the native cultures of our two "local" continents. Europeans came across the ocean and pushed away many of the cultures that were in both North and South America. Those of us from European backgrounds tend to assume that was rather inevitable, that there was destiny because of our of superior intelligence and abilities.

The more I learn about the Middle East, Europe and the Americas of a few thousand years ago the more it appears to me we white and Christian Europeans dominated due to a series of historical accidents and luck rather than anything that makes us "better." In religion, it would mean Christianity dominates because of the same historical luck.

During the period when Jews were becoming dominate in the country of Canaan, native cultures on our continents were developing an innovative food supply that took intelligence and patience. One of these was the development of maize. It seems to me what natives here accomplished was more difficult than the animal husbandry of the desert--although that was not easy either.

Meanwhile, the cultures of the Middle East and Europe used their brain power to make better weapons and travel using animals. They won and lost great battles always improving their warfare techniques. By the time they came across the Atlantic their warfare abilities were superior to American natives.

A similar thing happened to the written word. We have no "Bible" of native cultures because almost all written work was destroyed. There is stone with some writing. But, the better availability paper-like material and the dry climate to preserve it meant Middle East and European religious writing was passed along and its ideas crowded out local religious ideas.

I am unable to see white cultures and religion as superior. They were luckier.


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