Religious Freedom for Me but not for Thee

Religious freedom is mostly a zero sum game. The Trump administration wants more religious freedom for one group, the group where their votes are, and wants less for its enemies.

There have been many attempts at outlawing marriage between same sex people. If these couples have a religious belief they are to marry each other how can prohibiting their marriage be "religious freedom" for them. The same for preachers who have a "calling" to perform the ceremonies.

I would guess the majority of Christians do not believe a fertilized human egg is a human being. They do not share the religious view that at the moment of conception a new human being exists. More ridiculous restrictions on abortions is not religious freedom, it is the opposite.

In fact is "religious freedom" as promoted by the Trump administration is not religious freedom at all. Instead, it is imposing one set of religious views on those who have a different set. It is the opposite of true religious freedom.

There is a group of Unitarians who have the religious belief they are to save lives of migrants trying to cross the border between Mexico and the U.S. These religious volunteers carry food and water into the desert where people are attempting illegal border crossings. They do not have any role the the border crossing itself. But, the Trump administration's border patrol is chasing down and prosecuting these Christians humanitarians.


  1. A zero-sum way of looking at the world is very pessimistic and dangerous. Eliminating communism a zero-sum game? Who does communism benefit other than the atheists and anti-theists who abhor religion? The atheists lose while the rest of society wins, is that how you view the world.

    On another note, the USMCA, assuming it passes Congress and the legislative bodies of Canada and Mexico is noted as having a big net positive impact in North Dakota -

    I know that doesn't agree with your hate-Trump agenda but the truth often has that effect on your arguments.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. mark anthony 2:57 "...this boils down to a fight between those who hold an acorn is an oak tree with potential and those who hold an acorn is a potential oak tree."

      You are welcome to word smith all you want. The facts are: an acorn is not an oak tree. One fertilized egg is not a human being.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. mark anthony 4:57 "Thus, one of my pet peeves."

    One of my pet peeves are people who say an acorn is an oak tree because their religious beliefs tell them such a thing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "come now. Aristotle tells me that. and he makes a good case for his take on the matter."

      That an acorn is an oak tree and therefore one cell is a human being is one that I'll add to list of reasons for white males in government to take control of women's bodies. It can be added to "when there is a heartbeat", "when it recognized its mother's voice", "when if feels pain", "when the quickening happens", "when it has a soul", "when one can count the figures on an xray", "at the moment of conception", "when it has its own DNA", etc etc. All of these have one simple objective, to control women.


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