A Will You Accept the Jesus As Your Savior App
It is fascinating to read about how some parts of Christianity are hustling to keep up with the changing tastes of young people--trying to keep more of them in the faith. There must be some of this in Catholicism but what I read is about branches of Protestantism.
The big publishers of youth material have or are going out of business. Gone with them are large youth rallies where kids come from across the country to, as one industry person put it, "get all jacked up" in the faith. Instead, groups are trying video conferences and training with computer packages.
The Catholic Church has a touch of this, on-line confessions. I looked at one of these sites a few years ago. The assumption is an actual priest would look at whatever one wrote. This may or may not be true.
If it is not already being done, I would guess the church would adopt what everyone else does, a "Penny". "Penny" is the fictional woman on one of my investment sites. She says she can answer my questions. My question is answered by the computer, not be a person. What could not a computer respond to confessions the same way, "Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace"?
From the Bible until today, the written and spoken word has created the impression there is a god listening to what you say, even what you think. This persuasive trick should work as well with the computer as it has done with the older mediums. Instead of turning on the 700 Club to hear Pat Robinson pray for your ingrown toe nail another rich person can do it on your computer screen.
If the past is any predictor of the future, we might expect new personalities or even new religions will fit communication by computer better than all the old ones.
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