Wheaton College, Along with Others, Getting Spanked For Worldly Ideas
Just a few years ago there was a "house cleaning" at the very, I mean VERY, conservative Moody Bible Institute in downtown Chicago. I've read there are some fiscal problems at Moody that are being kicked down the road by selling some of its very valuable downtown Chicago property. Also in the Chicago region is Wheaton College, a stalwart of conservative religion, there are rumblings of liberal drift. Friends and relatives of mine have attended Wheaton. Now, its deep pocket donors are complaining liberal ideas come up in its classrooms and are not properly shut down. Complaints are coming in from alums, former students and donors. Wheaton's enrollment has been slowly declining. Put yourself in the shoes of a President of these or any other of the many conservative Christian higher ed places. Student enrollment is down and projections are gloomy. Several small colleges each year close or merge and try to stay afloat. Among many if your challenges is keeping faculty. To ...